I was a founding designer for Blitz Esports, the first fully automatic coaching tool for League of Legends. Our goal was to get more players to have fun while gaming and make player improvement as simple as possible. Blitz was acquired by Discord in 2018.
Founding Designer
2015 — 2018
The League tool that does it all. Automatically.
2015 — 2018
As Lead Designer at Blitz (acquired by Discord in 2018), I helped transform it from an esports news app into a leading esports publication in North America, and one of the most popular automated coaching tools for League of Legends. Within six months of launch, Blitz reached 100K WAU and 50% 30-day retention, redefining how players engage and improve.
Our mission was to support the esports lifestyle by helping fans follow their favorite teams and improve their gameplay. Unlike traditional sports, esports players often participate in the games themselves. We combined data-driven insights with expert-crafted content, personalized to each gamer's profile and in-game situation, to deliver actionable guidance for improvement and success.
Thanks to
Rick Ling, Jonathan Lin, Joanna Jao, Jonathan Wu, Haru Darling, Sharon Coone, and many more.
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